Friday, January 14, 2011

More Playoff Picks

A little late, but here are my picks for this weekend's playoff matchups.

Baltimore vs Pittsburgh

Honestly, I think this is just a coin flip game.  However it is important to note that Ben Roethlisberger has won his last 6 against the Ravens.  The game is in Pittsburgh too, but it's not like home-field advantage has played any role in this series. 

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this game may be slightly physical.

Bottom Line:  Pittsburgh wins by 3


Green Bay vs Atlanta

I'm not in love with Aaron Rodgers, but I'm not totally sold on Matt Ryan either.  Both are extremely talented, but they need to majorly improve before people start comparing them to Tom Brady and Peyton Manning.

It's hard to go against Green Bay, especially after they proved that they could run the ball this past weekend.  Matt Ryan's nearly flawless home record is going to take another hit this weekend.

Bottom Line:  Green Bay wins by 6 


Seattle vs Chicago

This game may be the lock of the weekend.  Chicago might win by 20.  It is almost impossible for the Seahawks to match the energy that they played with last weekend, and I can guarantee you that Marshawn Lynch will not be registering any minor earthquakes this week. 

Easy pick.

Bottom Line:  Chicago wins by 13


NY Jets vs New England

I loathe Rex Ryan.....  Tom Brady is going to be keeping his haircut for at least one more week.  He is too good.

Bottom Line:  New England wins by 7

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