Monday, February 4, 2013

ATS Picks: Day 13

Trade rumors are starting to pick up, and that always gets me too hyped.  Not really buying the KG to the Clippers talk, but I think Danny Granger to the Rockets would be ill.  Like I mentioned in an earlier post, KG would have to waive his no trade clause and I just don't see that happening.

Anyway I went 5-7 over the last few days to put my overall record at 44-44-1 (.500.. who said that the law of large numbers isn't true?) but I went 2-0 in my locks to go 7-3-1.   

Orlando (+9) vs Philadelphia (-9):  What a sleeper.

LAC (-3) vs Washington (+3):  I'm starting to think that this Chris Paul injury is a little more serious than everyone thinks it is.  According to ESPN, there is no timetable for his return.  That does not sound good.

Chicago (+5) vs Indiana (-5):  I truly believe that one of these teams might be the one to make it out of the East.  The Knicks and Heat just don't match up well with either of them.  Also, Danny Granger gets the picture of the day, because I really want to see him go to Houston.  Big shout to Danny Granger.

Detroit (+10.5) vs NYK (-10.5):  Tonight very well may be the Detroit debut for Jose Calderon.  Even so, I just like New York here. 

Charlotte (+14) vs Miami (-14): I. Hate. Large. Lines.

Portland (+3) vs Minnesota (-3): Minnesota is supposedly shopping Pek to the Blazers.  Not a bad move in my opinion.  I'm a huge Pek fan, especially after his rebounding clinic against the Heat like a month ago.  Yeah, that's how good it was.

Dallas (+8) vs OKC (-8):  The Thunder are 20-3 at home.  Nuff said. 

Sacramento (+8.5) vs Utah (-8.5):  For the past few nights, Sacramento has had some rather enormous lines, and each time they fail to cover.  I don't see tonight being any different.  On another note, I really expected Utah to shop either Paul Millsap or Big Al in favor (no pun intended) of giving Derrick Favors more playing time.  They've stayed quiet so far, but I think they should make a move.

Lock of the night goes to Utah (-8.5).  And to all you NFL fans, never forget: Ray Lewis killed a man.

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