Friday, February 1, 2013

ATS Picks: Day 10

Russ is back! Last night he threw another one of his tantrums (first of the year, I think?), this time because, well, who knows why... but that is not the point.  The point is that this is exactly why I love Russ.  Many people criticize NBA players for playing apathetically, but Russ is anti-apathy.  He plays with raw emotion at all times, even if it means throwing fits and running to the locker room (also notice how he rejects the poor kid at the tunnel).  I love it.  Anyway, this outburst undoubtedly means that he gets the picture of the day.  Big shout to Russell Westbrook.

Last night I went 1-0-1 to put things at 33-31-2 (.516)  for the season (5-3-1 on locks).  Tonight feels like a Wednesday night, with  12 games being played.

Toronto (+4) vs LAC (-4):  Normally I really like Toronto, but Rudy Gay isn't playing until Sunday and I expect the Raptors to experience some initial regression without Jose Calderon (as much as it pains me to say it).

Miami (-2) vs Indiana (+2):  This honestly might be the hardest matchup to choose in all of the league.  The Pacers seem to always play their best ball against the Heat, especially when home, but there is always the potential for a LeBron-goes-for-35-10-10 night.  This kills me.

Orlando (+8.5) vs Boston (-8.5): This pick is 100% out of spite - Danny Ainge came out yesterday and said when Boston played Miami in the 7 game series last year, Rajon Rondo was the best player on the floor.  And here I was, thinking Danny Ainge was a competent basketball figure.  What a joke.   

Cleveland (+4) vs Detroit (-4):  I hope Calderon plays tonight (once again, as much as it pains me to say it).

Chicago (+3) vs Brooklyn (-3):  I don't really have much to say about this game, so let's just take this time to establish the fact that Deron Williams' panther tattoo is the worst tattoo in the league.  Try to tell me I'm wrong.

Milwaukee (+5) vs NYK (-5):  Milwaukee is just too inconsistent, and the game is at MSG.  

Sacramento (+6) vs Philadelphia (-6): I got nothing.

Washington (+6) vs Memphis (-6): If the game weren't in Memphis, I'd definitely pick the Wiz to cover.  But I like the Grizzlies to rebound here after last night's blowout.

New Orleans (+7) vs Denver (-7):  It's such a shame that Denver is in the West, cause I think they could make some noise in the East.  Have fun playing OKC/San Antonio/insert Western juggernaut of your choice in the first or second round. 

Dallas (+3.5) vs Phoenix (-3.5):  Not tryin to overthink this.. Dallas is just better.  Although last night the TNT crew brought up an excellent point: Dallas is playing with six or seven guys who will be free agents at the end of the season.  How do you expect them to play as a team when they have to prove themselves as individuals before free agency?

Portland (+5) vs Utah (-5):  Gahhh I thought long and hard about this one.  Gordon Hayward is out for the Jazz, so I gotta go with Portland.

LAL (-2.5) vs. Minnesota (+2.5):  The Lakers started their seven game road trip with a loss at Phoenix.  Not solid.  If they don't win 4 or 5 of the next 6, you can say goodnight to playoffs.

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